What IS Reading [excerpts] ?

The premise of this endeavor is to present the “underlinings” in my reading: those epiphanies in the text where the author shares some ineffable moment so compelling that I have to mark it. I have such a deep respect for the object itself—the book, that is—I would never actually touch it with a writing instrument, but I do flag the spot with a small post-it. These flagged volumes then sit around like stacked porcupines waiting to be transcribed, which sometimes happens years after the initial reading. Occasionally, I’ll get to a book promptly, but that’s the exception. What I like about this routine is the revisiting. Sometimes, I won’t even recognize the impetus for marking a particular excerpt, but in most cases, the process is thrilling and reaffirming. I’ve reread many books due to the trail of crumbs I left behind on the previous reading.

This is a habit that began decades ago, before they even invented personal computers or post-it notes. I had other methods then, and it often involved copying things out long-hand (another gratifying and satisfying exercise). But, as I love the happy rhythm of typing, this is my preferred way and the computer allows me to share it.

By now, my archives contain several hundred books and the plan is to post them a few at a time. These selections are in no way a summary or synopsis, nor are they critical or analytical; they are merely the particular author’s words that struck me in the course of reading.  I make no attempt to comment. It’s very personal, but may inspire another reader casting about for their next book.

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